Cyclists' Nicknames
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In an effort to popularize the sport and make the racers interesting to less committed sports fans, early 20th century journalists took to creating nicknames for the riders. Tour father Henri Desgrange was a particularly energetic namer.
The tradition didn't stop with Desgrange and today nearly every popular rider has a handle given to him by his teammates, fans or sports writers. Here is a sampling. I haven't bothered listing common diminutives, such as "Bill" for William or Dédé for André.
I've linked riders with their interviews or histories posted on BikeRaceInfo.
Special thanks to Les Woodland, and Larry Theobald of CycleItalia
- Djamolidine Abdoujaparov: The Tashkent Terror
- Jean Aerts: Brummel van de fiets
- Ugo Agostoni: The King of the Descents (Re delle discese)
- Jean Alavoine: Gars Jean
- Stefano Allocchio: The Plague (La Peste)
- Phil Anderson: Skippy, Dr. Teeth
- Henry Anglade: Napoleon
- Jacques Anquetil: Monsieur Chrono, Maître Jacques
- Lode (Louis) Anthonis: The Lawyer
- Maurice Archambaud: Chubby Cheeks, The Dwarf
- Moreno Argentin: The Boss (Il Capo), The Gazelle
- Lance Armstrong: Mellow Johnny, Big Tex, The Boss
- Hippolyte Aucouturier: The Terrible
- Federico Bahamontes: The Eagle of Toledo
- Ercole Baldini: The Fast Train from Forlì (Direttisimo di Forlì)
- Gibi Baronchelli: The Hermit
- Gino Bartali: The Man of Iron (L’uomo di ferro), Gino the Pious
- Michele Bartoli: Lion Cub (Leoncino), The Warrior (Il Guerriero)
- Ivan Basso: Ivan the Terrible
- Gilbert Bauvin: The Yapper
- Mario Beccia: The Flea
- Louis Bergaud: The Cantal Flea, Lily
- Daniele Bennati: The Panther
- Gaetano Belloni: The Eternal Second (Eterno secondo)
- Charles Berty: The Ox
- Antonio Bevilacqua: Big Lips (Labbrone)
- Paolo Bettini: The Cricket (Il Grillo)
- Marcel Bidot: The Trombone (because of the way he moved around the peloton), The Pack Shepard
- Alfredo Binda: Campionissimo, The Trumpeter of Cittiglio (Trombettiere di Cittiglio), Giocondo (from the Mona Lisa because of his amiability)
- Franco Bitossi: The Crazy Heart (Cuore Matto), The Wild Horse
- Olimpio Bizzi: Il Morino
- Jean Bobet: The Professor
- Louison Bobet: The Professor, Zonzon, The Baker from St. Méen
- Emanuele Bombini: The Hammer
- Guido Bontempi: The Buffalo
- Tom Boonen: Tommeke, Tornado Tom, The Bomb from Balen, The Balen Express
- Frans Bonduel: Chubby (Le Rondouillard), Monsieur Paris-Brussels
- Ottavio Bottecchia: The Mason from Friuli (Le Maçon de Frioul), Butterfly (for his big ears)
- Pierre Brambilla: The Clog, or Clogface (because of his big, jutting chin)
- Hernan Buenahora: The Little Goat from Barichara (El Cabrito de Barichara)
- Gianni Bugno: The Lizard, The Chick
- Fabian Cancellara: Spartacus
- Louis Caput: Petit Louis
- Guido Carlesi: Little Coppi (Coppino)
- Jimmy Casper: The Little Ghost
- Mark Cavendish: The Manx Missile
- Mirko Celestino: Sputnik
- Sylvain Chavanel: La Machine
- Claudio Chiappucci: The Devil (El Diablo)
- Mario Chiesa: The Fugitive (Il Fugativo)
- Franco Chioccioli: Little Coppi (Coppino), The Archer
- Eugène Christophe: The Old Gaul (Le Vieux Gaulois), Cri-cri
- Mario Cipollini: The Lion King (Re Leone), Super Mario, Il Magnifico, Cipo, Nice Mario
- Thierry Claveyrolat: The Eagle of Vizille, Clavette
- Pierre-Marie Cloarec: The Little Farmer of Pleyben, Clo-clo
- Salvatore Commesso: Toto
- Alberto Contador: El Pistolero
- Angelo Conterno: The Man with the Silver Hair
(L'uomo con capelli argenta), White Feather (penna bianca)
- Silvio Contini: The Enigma
- Fausto Coppi: Il Campionissimo, The Heron (Airone)
- Giovanni Corrieri : The Sicilian Arrow
- Claudio Corti: The Fair or Just One (Il Giusto)
- Hilaire Couvreur: Hilaire the African (because he won the Tour of Morocco)
- Giovanni Cuniolo: The Fist
- Damiano Cunego: The Little Prince of Verona (Principino Veronese)
- André Darrigade: The Man with a Hundred Jerseys, The Flying Basque
- Gustave Danneels: The Greyhound,
Mr. Paris-Tours
- Acacio Da Silva: The Eel
- Arthur de Cabooter: El Torro, The Bull
- Nino Defilippis: Cit (Piemonte dialect for "Boy" or "Kid")
- Jean De Gribaldy: The Viscount
- Jef Demuysere: The Flemish Bull (De Vlaamse Stier)
- Roger de Vlaeminck: The Gypsy from Eeklo, Monsieur Paris–Roubaix
- Maurice de Waele: The Metronome
- André Declerck: The Giant from Koekelare
- Roger Decock: Hats Decock (he modeled caps for Derby Sport)
- Pedro Delgado: Perico
- Danilo Di Luca: Killer
- Maurice Diot: Mangy (le Teigneux)
- Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq: The Gazelle of Peyrehorade
- Jean Dotto: The Vintner of Cabasse. Dotto invested his winnings in a winery.
- Paul Duboc: The Apple
- Albert Dubuisson: The Colonel
- Marcel Dupont: The Eaglet of Jupille
- François Faber: The Giant of Colombes
- Edouard Fachleitner: The Shepard
of Manosque
- Alberto Fernández: The Biscuit (El Galleta)
- Laurent Fignon: The Professor, Monsieur Citron (Mr. Lemon), The Sun King, Sunnyboy
- Juan Antonio Flecha: Robin Hood, The Archer
- Victor Fontan: The King of the Pyrenees
- Jean Forestier: Le Coeur de Lyon. It means the Heart of Lyon, Forestier's hometown, but also refers to the heart of a lion.
- Urs Freuler: The Cobra