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Listing of recipes

Olympics 50 Craziest Stories

Les Woodland's book The Olympics' 50 Craziest Stories: A Five Ring Circus is available as an audiobook here. For the print and Kindle eBook versions, just click on the Amazon link on the right.

Recipes? Why recipes on a cycling website?

I have always believed that cycling is just part of a healthy life. Good, hard, regular, and vigorous exercise is essential. Cycling has several advantages over other sports. We cyclists don't go around with knee braces like runners who have battered and shocked their joints into sawdust. We don't have to wait for pool time like swimmers (and spend hours in some bath of toxic chemicals to remedy God-knows-what someone else has done in the pool).

Cycling can be gentle, or hard, but our bodies thrive on it. Also, we get to use beautiful, efficient machinery that makes the sport a perfect joy.

But there is more. Good healthy food, along with a challenging intellectual life, satisfying work, and the company of close loved ones completes the ideal life.

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Cycling's World Championships South Salem Cycleworks frames

So, that brings us to food. You're on your own for the rest. The Italian cuisine, based on carbohydrates, and made with fresh, natural ingredients is the perfect base for a cyclist's diet.

It's a joy to create your own meal that has the combination of good taste and good health. Yet, if you're like me, most recipes are daunting because they assume that you already know something. When my wife Carol met me, my idea of food was to go down to the feed store and get a 50 pound bag of Purina Bike Racer chow. I didn't know anything about cooking.

The recipes below are very simple. I've made them myself. The instructions are a bit longer than normal cookbooks have because I've tried to put myself in the shoes of a complete cooking novice.

From time to time, I'll put new recipes up.

Buon Appetito
Chairman Bill

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Melanoma: It Started With a Freckle Neugent Cycling Wheels

The recipes are written one per page so you can print them easily.


Pasta Fagioli (Pasta and Bean Soup)
(Tuscan minestrone)
Zuppa di Ceci al Rosmarino (Chickpea and Rosemary Soup)

Antipasto (appetizer or course before the meal)

Bruschetta al Pomodoro (grilled bread with tomato, basil and garlic)


Pasta all'Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino (Pasta with olive oil, garlic, & pepper)
Pasta alla Checca (Pasta with fresh tomatoes, basil and garlic)
Pasta with Roasted Tomatoes
Penne all'Arrabbiata (Angry Pasta, penne with pepper sauce)


Pollo Ubriaco (Drunken Chicken)


Granita di limone (lemon ice)

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