BikeRaceInfo: Current and historical race results, plus interviews, bikes, travel, and cycling historyBikeRaceInfo: Current and historical race results, plus interviews, bikes, travel, and cycling history
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Eddy Merckx in the 1970 Tour de France

From our archives: Eddy Merckx in stage 6 of the 1970 Tour de France. Photo©Sirotti

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Cycling's World Championships South Salem Cycleworks frames

BikeRaceInfo is one of the few cycling websites currently reporting complete results of important professional races. Plus, BikeRaceinfo has posted results for every stage of every edition of the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and most of the important Classic races. All this is accompanied by thousands of historic photos. In addition, training, technical, and cycling history articles, as well as oral history interviews, are among the thousands of pages readers can find in BikeRaceInfo. This data and accompanying photographic treasure trove is a constant draw to cyclists world-wide, during the racing season and in the off-season as well.

Sonny Colbrelly wins the 102 Giro dell'Appennino

Sonny Colbrelli wins the 2013 Giro dell'Appenino. Photo©Sirotti

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Melanoma: It Started With a Freckle Neugent Cycling Wheels


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