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Bretagne Classic Ouest-France
(World Tour)

Winners, podium, distance, average speed
Formerly Grand Prix de Ouest-France

TDF volume 1

Bill & Carol McGann's book The Story of the Tour de France, Vol 1: 1903 - 1975 is available in print, Kindle eBook & audiobook versions. To get your copy, just click on the Amazon link on the right.

The race:

The Bretagne Classic Ouest-France (until 2015 called "GP Ouest-France") is a one-day race held in the town of Plouay in bike-mad Brittany, France.

It is run in August/September. Originally called the Grand-Prix de Plouay, it was renamed GP Ouest-France in 1989.

When the UCI started the Pro Tour in 2005, the race was included in its roster and when the Pro Tour was replaced by the UCI World Tour, the race was made part of that race group.

The race was started by a former Tour de France doctor, Dr. Berty. He was able to use his influence to attract the cream of French cycling for his first edition. A look at the podium history below will show that the race has attracted some of the best racers of in French cycling history.

The course is challenging. "Plouay is never an easy race. You don’t have a single meter of flat roads there, just a lot of climbing and technical roads, and even some gravel sections in the last 80 kilometers," Team Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl director Wilfried Peeters said.

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Cycling's World Championships South Salem Cycleworks frames

Complete podium history:


1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place


Average Speed

1931 François Fave Pierre Le Doare
@ 3min
Andre Godinat
@ s.t.
110 km  
1932 Philippe Bono
5hr 10min
Paul Le Drogo
@ s.t.
(some results show Ferdinand 2nd)
Ferdinand Le Drogo
160 km 30.9
1933 Philippe Bono
4hr 55min
Raymond Louviot
@ s.t.
Julien Grujeon
@ s.t.
160 km 32.54
1934 Lucien Tulot
4hr 51min
Jean Keriel
@ 7min
Rene Durin
@ 10min
150 km 30.93
1935 Jean Le Dilly
3hr 55min 30sec
E. Le Gallo
@ s.t.
Raymond Drouet
@ 3min 40sec
140 km 35.67
1936 Pierre Cogan François Lucas Jean Le Dilly    
1937 Jean-Marie Grosmat
4hr 50sec
Robert Oubron
@ s.t.
Amedee Fournier
@ 6min
160 km 33.1
1938 Pierre Cloarec
5hr 56min
Robert Tanneveau
@ 9min
Jean-Marie Goasmat
@ 11min
200 km 33.71
1945 Eli Tassin
4hr 16min 30sec
Christophe Taeron
@ 2min
François Gouyette
@ s.t.
153 km 35.79
1946 Ange Le Strat Roger Chupin
@ 1min 30sec
Pierre Cogan
@ 7min 35sec
150 km  
1947 Raymond Louviot Albert Bourlon
@ s.t.
Roger Chupin
@ 3min 40sec
150 km  
1948 Eloi Tassin
4hr 7min
Francis Chretien
@ 1min 53sec
Raymond Louviot
@ s.t.
150 km 36.44
1949 Armand Audaire
5hr 54min
Guy Butteux
@ 4min
Rene Haugustaine
@ s.t.
200 km 33.90
1950 Armand Audaire Andre Ruffet Germain Mercier    
1951 Emile Guerniel Guy Butteux Jean Erussard    
1952 Emile Guerniel
5hr 10min
François Mahe
@ s.t.
Jean Bobet@ 15sec 189 km 36.58
1953 Serge Blusson
4hr 43min
Louis Gillet
@ s.t.
Raymond Scardin
@ s.t.
180 km 36.16
1954 Ugo Anzile
5hr 15min
Jean Le Gilly
@ 40sec
Rene-Jean Gadras
@ s.t.
196 km 37.33
1955 Jacques Petitjean Jacques Dupont Joseph Le Cadet 165 km  
1956 Valentin Huot
4hr 33min
Rene Fournier
@ 50sec
Joseph Morvan
@ s.t.
175 km 38.46
1957 Isaac Vitre
4hr 58min
Joseph Morvan
@ 5sec
Joseph Groussard
@ s.t.
180 km 36.24
1958 Jean Gainche
4hr 54min
Andre Ruffet Joseph Thomin
Fernand Picot
180 km 36.73
1959 Emmanuel Crenn Jean Gainche
@ 1min 15sec
Felix Le Buhotel
@ s.t.
190 km  
1960 Hubert Ferrer Andre Foucher
@ 10sec
Joseph Velly
@ 2min 10sec
195 km  
1961 Fernand Picot Pierre Le Mellec Max Bleneau 188 km  
1962 Jean Gainche Georges Groussard Joseph Morvan    
1963 Fernand Picot
5hr 8min
Pierre Le Mellec
@ s.t.
Fernand Delort
@ s.t.
188 km 36.62
1964 Jean Bourles Hubert Ferrer
@ s.t.
Jean Gainche
@ 1min 35sec
180 km  
1965 François Goasduff Hubert Niel Jean-Louis Jagueneau 185 km  
1966 Claude Mazeaud
5hr 17min
Jean Bourles
@ s.t.
Pierre Le Mellec
@ s.t.
195 km 36.91
1967 François Hamon
5hr 5min
Georges Chappe
@ s.t.
Maurice Morin
@ s.t.
200 km 39.34
1968 Jean Jourden
5hr 9min
Jean-Claude Lebaube
@ 35sec
Andre Zimmermann
@ s.t.
200 km 38.83
1969 Jean Jourden
5hr 8min
François Goasduff
@ 15sec
Leon-Paul Menard
@ s.t.
196 km 38.18
1970 Jean Marcarini
5hr 34min 4sec
Robert Bouloux
@ s.t.
Roland Berland
@ s.t.
205 km 36.82
1971 Jean-Pierre Dangauillaume
5hr 13min 10sec
Jacques Gestraud
@ 38sec
Raymond Deslisle
@ 3min 32sec
202 km 38.70
1972 Robert Bouloux
6hr 35min
Gereard Besnard
@ 8sec
Enzo Mattioda
@ 17sec
255 km 38.72
1973 Jean-Claude Largeau
5hr 9min
Gilbert Bellone
@ 42sec
Guy Sibille
@ 45sec
205 km 39.78
1974 Raymond Martin
4hr 45min 55sec
Jacques Botherel
@ s.t.
Claude Aigueparses
@ s.t.
194 km 40.7
1975 Cyrille Guimard
5hr 13min
Jean-Louis Danguillaume
@ 55sec
Guy Santy
@ 1min 40sec
205 km 39.28
1976 Jacques Bossis
Patrick Perret
@ 5sec
Pierre-Raymond Villemiane
@ 1min 45sec
1977 Jacques Bossis Roger Legeay
@ s.t.
Christian Seznec
@ s.t.
1978 Pierre-Raymond Villemiane
4hr 54min
Joop Zoetemelk
@ s.t.
Marcel Tinazzi
@ 25sec
202 km 41.20
1979 Frits Pirard Jean Chassang
@ 1min 40sec
Yvon Bertin
@ s.t.
202 km  


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1980 Patrick Friou Jacques Bossis
@ 16sec
Bernard Becaas
@ s.t.
200 km  
1981 Gilbert Duclos-Lassalle
4hr 48min 28sec
Dominique Arnaud
@ 58sec
Raymond Martin
@ s.t.
198 km 41.18
1982 Francis Castaing
5hr 15min 23sec
Regis Clere
@ s.t.
Didier Vanoverschelde
@ s.t.
212 km 40.33
1983 Pierre Bazzo
5hr 25min 30sec
Marc Madiot
@ 3min 1sec
Stephen Roche
@ 3min 13sec
225 km 41.47
1984 Sean Kelly
5hr 38min 34sec
Frederic Vichot
@ 2sec
Eric Caritoux
@ 3sec
218 km 38.63
1985 Eric Guyot
5hr 43min 48sec
Rudy Matthijs
@ 7sec
Marc Madiot
@ 12sec
225 km 39.27
1986 Martial Gayant
5hr 50min 54sec
Sean Kelly
@ s.t.
Soren Lilholt
@ s.t.
225 km 38.47
1987 Gilbert Duclos-Lassale
5hr 38min 11sec
Jean-Claude Bagot
@ s.t.
Frederic Brun
@ 49sec
237 km 42.05
1988 Luc Leblanc
5hr 58min 44sec
Charly Mottet
@ s.t.
Patrice Esnault
@ 1min 5sec
237 km 39.64
1989 Jean-Claude Colotti
6hr 15min 6sec
Bruno Cornillet
@ s.t.
Gilles Delion
@ 5sec
250 km 39.99
1990 Bruno Cornillet
5hr 8sec
Martial Gayant
@ s.t.
Thomas Wegmuller
@ 5sec
208 km 41.58
1991 Armand de las Cuevas
5hr 2min 40sec
Andreas Kappes
@ s.t.
Miguel Arroyo
@ s.t.
209 km 41.43
1992 Ronan Pensac
5hr 10min 47sec
Serge Baguet
@ 2sec
Thierry Claveyrolat
@ s.t.
209 km 40.35
1993 Thierry Claveyrolat
5hr 9min 25sec
Jean-François Bernard
@ 1sec
Thierry Laurent
@ 14sec
209 km 40.53
1994 Andrei Tchmil
4hr 55min 2sec
Richard Virenque
@ 55sec
Jens Heppner
@ s.t.
209 km 42.50
1995 Rolf Jaermann
4hr 53min 29sec
Laurent Madouas
@ 3sec
Christian Henn
@ 31sec
209 km 42.73
1996 Frank Vandenbroucke
4hr 52min 1sec
Laurent Brochard
@ 30sec
Andrei Tchmil
@ s.t.
209 km 42.94
1997 Andrea Ferrigato
4hr 58min 32sec
Sergio Barbero
@ s.t.
Chris Horner
@ 2sec
209 km 42.00
1998 Pascal Herve
4hr 57min 13sec
Ludo Dierckxsens
@ 1min 19sec
Stephane Heulot
2 3min 30sec
209 km 41.19
1999 Christophe Mengin
4hr 46min26sec
Markus Zberg
@ s.t.
Serguei Ivanov
@ 6sec
209 km 43.78
2000 Michele Bartoli
4hr 59min
Nico Mattan
@ 10sec
Walter Beneteau
@ 11sec
209 km 41.94
2001 Nico Mattan
4hr 30min 39sec
Patrice Halgand
@ 1sec
Patrick Jonker
@ s.t.
198 km 43.89
2002 Jeremy Hunt
4hr 44min 2sec
Stuart O'Grady
@ s.t.
Baden Cooke
@ s.t.
196 km 41.40
2003 Andy Flickinger
4hr 34min 22sec
Anthony Geslin
@ s.t.
Nicolas Jalabert
@ s.t.
198 km 43.30
2004 Didier Rous
4hr 31min 27sec
Serge Baguet
@ s.t.
Guido Trentin
@ 2sec
198 km 43.76


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2005 George Hincapie
4hr 59min 42sec
Alexandre Usov
@ s.t.
Davide Rebellin
@ s.t.
211.5 km 42.44
2006 Vincenzo Nibali
5hr 18min 56sec
Juan Antonio Flecha
@ s.t.
Manuele Mori
@ s.t.
226 km 42.52
2007 Thomas Voeckler
5hr 32min 47sec
Thor Hushovd
@ 2sec
Danilo Di Luca
@ s.t.
210.1 km 37.86
2008 Pierrick Fedrigo
5hr 42min 44sec
Alessandro Ballan
@ s.t.
David Lopez Garcia
@ 3sec
229.2 km 40.09
2009 Simon Gerrans
5hr 58min 53sec
Pierrick Fedrigo
@ s.t. 
Paul Martens
@ s.t. 
229.2 km 38.29
2010 Matthew Harley Goss
6hr 37min 53sec
Tyler Farrar
@ s.t.
Yoann Offredo
@ s.t.
248.3 km 37.443
2011 Grega Bole
6hr 32min 40sec
Simon Gerrans
@ s.t.
Thomas Voeckler
@ s.t.
248.3 km 37.941
2012 Edvald Boasson Hagen
5hr 55min 28sec
Rui Alberto Faria
@ 5sec
Heinrich Haussler
@ s.t.
243 km 41.017
2013 Filippo Pozzato
5hr 59min 54sec
Giacomo Nizzolo
@ s.t.
Samuel Dumoulin
@ s.t.
243 km 40.511
2014 Sylvain Chavanel
5hr 38min 26sec
Andrea Fedi
@ s.t.
Arthur Vichot
@ s.t.
229.1 km 40.616
2015 Alexander Kristoff
5hr 31min 32sec
Simone Ponzi
@ s.t.
Ramunas Navardauskas
@ s.t.
229.1 km 41.461
2016 Oliver Naesen
5hr 58min 46sec
Alberto Bettiol
@ 2sec
Alexander Kristoff
@ 5sec
248.9 km 41.626
2017 Elia Viviani
5hr 51min 39sec
Alexander Kristoff
@ s.t.
Sonny Colbrelli
@ s.t.
241.7 km 41.240
2018 Oliver Naesen
6hr 16min 34sec
Michael Valgren
@ s.t.
Tim Wellens
@ 3sec
253.9 km 40.455
2019 Sep Vanmarcke
6hr 12min 23sec
Tiesj Benoot
@ 3sec
Jack Haig
@ s.t.
248.1 km 39.975
2020 Michael Matthews
6hr 1min 14sec
Luka Mezgec
@ 1sec
Florian Senechal
@ s.t.
247.75 km 41.151
2021 Benoit Cosnefroy
5hr 59min 56sec
Julian Alaphilippe
@ s.t.
Mikkel Honore
@ 3sec
250.5 km 41.758
2022 Wout van Aert
6ht 4min 22sec
Axel Laurance
@ s.t.
Alexander Kamp
@ s.t.
254.86 km 41.968
2023 Valentin Madouas
6hr 15min 22sec
Mathieu Burgaudeau
@ s.t.
Felix Grossschartner
@ s.t.
254.84 km 40.735
2024 Marc Hirschi
6hr 9min 35sec
Paul Magnier
@ 1sec
Magnus Cort
@ s.t.
259.8 km 42.177