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1962 Paris - Roubaix

60th edition: Sunday, April 9, 1962

Complete results

Paris-Roubaix podium history | 1963 edition | 1961 edition

Cycling's 50 Triumphs and Tragedies

Les Woodland's book Cycling's 50 Triumphs and Tragedies: The Rise and Fall of Bicycle Racing's Champions is available as an audiobook here. For the print and Kindle eBook versions, just lcick on the Amazon link on the right.

The race:

The 1962 Paris-Roubaix was 258 km long and raced at an average speed of 38.321 km/hr

We don't know how many riders started the 1962 Paris-Roubaix, but there were 76 classified finishers.

With nineteen kilometers remaining there were five riders away: Raymond Poulidor, Rik van Looy, Emile Daems, Frans Schoubben and Jozef Planckaert.

They worked together, extending their lead until Poulidor attacked as they reached the outskirts of Roubaix.

Van Looy's counter-acceleration brought him clear. So good was van Looy's form that year that he easily powered his 54 x 14 gear to his second consecutive Paris-Roubaix win.

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Rik van Looy racing in the 1962 Paris-Roubaix. This looks like the winning break With Emile Daems on his left, Frans Schoubben leading and Raymond Poulidor on his wheel. Partially obscured is van Looy's teammate Jozef Planckaert. Photo is from Miroir du Cyclisme.

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Complete results:

  1. Rik van Looy (Flandria-Faema-Clément) 6hr 43min 57sec
  2. Paris–Roubaix: The Inside Story
  3. Emile Daems (Philco) @ 25sec
  4. Frans Schoubben (Peugeot-BP-Dunlop) s.t.
  5. Jozef Planckaert (Flandria-Faema-Clément) s.t.
  6. Raymond Poulidor (Mercier-BP-Hutchinson) s.t.
  7. Jozef Wouters (Solo-Van Steenbergen) @ 2min 40sec
  8. Frans Aerenhouts (Mercier-BP-Hutchinson) s.t.
  9. Jean Forestier (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  10. Raymond Impanis (Flandria-Faema-Clément) s.t.
  11. Guido Carlesi (Philco) @ 2min 57sec
  12. Nino Defilippis (Carpano) s.t.
  13. Guillaume van Tongerloo (Flandria-Faema-Clément) s.t.
  14. Michel Stolker (St. Raphaël-Helyett-Hutchinson) s.t.
  15. Pino Cerami (Peugeot-BP-Dunlop) s.t.
  16. Bastiaan Maliepaard (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  17. André Darrigade (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  18. Piet Rentmeester (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  19. Camille Le Menn (Peugeot-BP-Dunlop) s.t.
  20. Arthur de Cabooter (Liberia-Grammont) s.t.
  21. Pierre Beuffeuil (Mercier-BP-Hutchinson) s.t.
  22. Robert Ducard (Margnat-Paloma) s.t.
  23. Michel van Aerde (Carpano) s.t.
  24. François Mahé (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) s.t.
  25. Ludo Janssens (Flandria-Faema) s.t.
  26. Armand Desmet (Flandria-Faema) s.t.
  27. Georges Groussard (Pelforth-Sauvage) s.t.
  28. Aurelio Cestari (Gazzola-Fiorelli) s.t.
  29. Edouard Delberghe (Liberia-Grammont) s.t.
  30. Yvo Molemaers (Carpano) s.t.
  31. Anatole Novak (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  32. Jacques Anquetil (St. Raphaël-Helyett) s.t.
  33. Alfons Hermans (Mann) @ 3min 37sec
  34. Robert Van de Caveye (Flandria-Faema) s.t.
  35. Gustaaf Van Vaerenbergh (Liberia-Grammont) s.t.
  36. Henri De Wolf (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  37. Jean-Claude Lefebvre (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) s.t.
  38. Tom Simpson (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  39. Jaap Kersten (Libertas) s.t.
  40. Silvio Ciampi (Philco) s.t.
  41. Dieter Puschel (Ruberg) s.t.
  42. Clément Roman (Flandria-Faema) s.t.
  43. Joseph Groussard (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) s.t.
  44. Albertus Geldermans (St. Raphaël-Helyett) s.t.
  45. Angelo Conterno (Carpano) s.t.
  46. Alan Ramsbottom (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) s.t.
  47. Fernand Delort (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  48. Dino Bruni (Gazzola-Fiorelli) s.t.
  49. André Le Dissez (Mercier-BP-Hutchinson) s.t.
  50. Noé Conti (Philco) s.t.
  51. Louis Proost (Carpano) s.t.
  52. Rolf Wolfshohl (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani) s.t.
  53. Romain Van Wynsberghe (Bertin) s.t.
  54. Antonio Bailetti (Carpano) s.t.
  55. Francis Anastasi (Margnat-Paloma) s.t.
  56. Lode Troonbeeckx (Mann) s.t.
  57. Roberto Falaschi (Molteni) s.t.
  58. Tino Sabadini (Mercier-BP-Hutchinson) s.t.
  59. Guillaume Demaer (Solo-Van Steenbergen) s.t.
  60. Roger De Coninck (Mann) s.t.
  61. Henry Anglade (Liberia-Grammont) s.t.
  62. Piet Damen (Libertas) s.t.
  63. Wim Van Est (Liberia-Grammont) s.t.
  64. Raymond Huguet (Peugeot-BP-Dunlop) s.t.
  65. Joseph Michels (Wiel's-Groene Leeuw) s.t.
  66. Michel Vermeulin (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) s.t.
  67. Claude Leclercq (Margnat-Paloma) s.t.
  68. Guillaume Michiels (Philco) s.t.
  69. Raymond Elena (Margnat-Paloma) s.t.
  70. Michael Wright (Wiel's-Groene Leeuw) s.t.
  71. Michel Nédélec (Gitane-Leroux-Dunlop-R. Géminiani)s.t.
  72. Jean Le Lan (St. Raphaël-Helyett) s.t.
  73. André Bar (Peugeot-BP-Dunlop) s.t.
  74. Oreste Magni (Gazzola) s.t.
  75. Benoni Beheyt (Wiel's-Groene Leeuw) s.t.
  76. Ezio Pizzoglio (Carpano) s.t.
  77. Francesco Miele (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) s.t.

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