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1948 Paris - Roubaix

46th edition: Sunday, April 4, 1948

Complete results

Paris-Roubaix podium history | 1949 edition | 1947 edition

Tour de France: 2020

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The race:

The 1948 Paris-Roubaix was 246 km and raced at an average speed of 43.992 km/hr

There were 231 starters and 60 classified finishers. Time splits after eighth place unavailable

Rik van Steenbergen bridged to a small lead group just as the race reached Roubaix.

Emile Idée gambled on an attack, knowing van Steenbergen would outsprint them all. But, when Idée looked back after his attack, he saw that only van Steenbergen had been able to follow him.

The final outcome was no surprise, on the Roubaix velodrome van Steenbergen easily sped past Idée.

Rik van Steenbergen beats Emile Idée to win the 1948 Paris-Roubaix.

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Rik van Steenbergen in 1960.

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Complete Known Results:

  1. Rik van Steenbergen: 5hr 35min 31sec.
  2. Emile Idée (Peugeot-Dunlop) s.t.
  3. Georges Claes @ 16sec
  4. Adolf Verschueren s.t.
  5. Fiorenzo Magni (Viscontea) s.t.
  6. Gildo Monari s.t.
  7. Marcel Rijckaert (Mercier-Hutchinson) @ 37sec
  8. Adolfo Leoni @ 43sec
  9. André Mahé (Stella-Dunlop)
  10. Roger Gijselinck
  11. Marcel Hendrickx (Alcyon-Dunlop)
  12. Camille Danguillaume (Peugeot-Dunlop)
  13. Louis Caput
  14. Emile Carrara
  15. Henri Renders
  16. Michel Remue
  17. Désiré Keteleer
  18. Albert Sercu (Bertin-Wolber)
  19. Florent Mathieu (Rochet-Dunlop)
  20. Albéric "Briek" Schotte (Alcyon-Dunlop)
  21. Raymond Impanis
  22. Maurice Meersman (Alcyon-Dunlop)
  23. Albert Ramon
  24. Lucien Mathys
  25. Richard Depoorter
  26. Frans Gielen
  27. Jean Bogaerts
  28. Roger Desmet (Bertin-Wolber)
  29. Jean Breuer
  30. Léon Jomaux (Elvé-Météore)
  31. Paul Giguet (Peugeot-Dunlop)
  32. René Vietto
  33. Roger Buchonnet (Riva Sport-Dunlop)
  34. Robert Charpentier
  35. Amédée Rolland
  36. Pino Cerami
  37. Ange Le Strat (La Perle-Hutchinson)
  38. Maurice Thobois (Arliguie-Hutchinson)
  39. Eloi Tassin (Dilecta -JB Louvet-Wolber)
  40. Manuel Huguet (Métropole-Dunlop)
  41. André Declerck (Bertin-Wolber)
  42. Léon Dhaenekyndt
  43. Karel Leysen
  44. Olimpio Bizzi
  45. Luigi Casola
  46. Eugenio Galliussi (France Sport-Dunlop)
  47. Alphonse Devreese (Peugeot-Dunlop)
  48. Robert Bonnaventure
  49. Albert Dubuissson (Rochet-Dunlop)
  50. René Walschot (Dilecta -JB Louvet-Wolber)
  51. Emiel Faignaert
  52. Sylvère Maes
  53. Maurice De Simpelaere (Alcyon-Dunlop)
  54. Ferdy Kübler
  55. Louis Brusselmans (Mercier-Hutchinson)
  56. René Oreel (Bertin-Wolber)
  57. Marcel Dupont (Rochet-Dunlop)
  58. Henri Van Kerckhove (Garin-Wolber)
  59. Arthur Mommerency
  60. Antonin Rolland (Rhonson-Dunlop)

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