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1927 Paris - Roubaix

28th edition: Sunday, April 17, 1927

Complete results

Paris-Roubaix podium history | 1926 edition | 1928 edition

Plato's Apology

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The race:

The 1927 Paris-Roubaix was 270 km long and raced at 30.45 km/hr

There were 123 starters and 97 classified finishers. I'm sorry, I have no time splits after 21st place

Team Automoto's Georges Ronsse created a selection by riding through the feed station Arras without stopping for food and water, forcing the others to chase.

Twenty riders caught the fleeing Belgian and upon arriving in Roubaix the lead group was down to sixteen.

At first it as thought Frenchman Joseph Curtel had won the sprint. In fact the band played "La Marseillaise" in celebration of a French winner.

Shortly thereafter the judges announced Belgian racer Georges Ronsse had won the close sprint, which enraged the crowd and caused fights.

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Ronnse win, just barely

1927 was a close call.

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Complete Results:

  1. Georges Ronsse (Automoto) 8hr 32min 20sec.
  2. Paris–Roubaix: The Inside Story
  3. Joseph Curtel (Peugeot-Dunlop) s.t.
  4. Charles Pélissier (Dilecta-Wolber) s.t.
  5. Julien Delbecque (Alcyon-Dunlop) s.t.
  6. Adelin Benoit (Alcyon-Dunlop) s.t.
  7. Romain Bellenger s.t.
  8. René Hamel s.t.
  9. André Verbist (JB Louvet-Wolber) s.t.
  10. Léopold-Albert Matton (Armor-Dunlop) s.t.
  11. Alex Maes s.t.
  12. Georges Leblanc (Automoto) s.t.
  13. Louis Gras (Wonder) s.t.
  14. Léander Gijssels s.t.
  15. Gaston Rebry s.t.
  16. Julien Vervaecke s.t.
  17. Ferdinand Le Drogo (Dilecta-Wolber) s.t.
  18. André Leducq @ 1min 26sec
  19. Joseph Hemelsoet (JB Louvet-Wolber) @ 5min 40sec
  20. Hector Martin (JB Louvet-Wolber) @ 6min 25sec
  21. Omer Taverne (Peugeot-Dunlop) s.t.
  22. Jan Mertens (Labor-Dunlop) @ 7min 10sec
  23. Auguste Baumans
  24. Georges Cuvelier
  25. Joseph Pé (JB Louvet-Wolber)
  26. Eugène Gréau (JB Louvet-Wolber)
  27. Albert Flahaut (Peugeot-Dunlop)
  28. Joseph Van Dam (Automoto)
  29. Léon Despontin
  30. Léon Durieux
  31. Julien Moineau (Alleluia-Wolber)
  32. Francis Copin
  33. Léon Parmentier (Automoto)
  34. Odile Taillieu
  35. Marcel Heselmans (Automoto)
  36. Désiré Louesse (Griffon)
  37. Maurice Bonney (Méteore-Dunlop)
  38. Joseph Van der Haegen
  39. Antonin Magne (Alleluia-Wolber)
  40. Armand Blanchonnet (Olympique-Wolber)
  41. Marcel Huot
  42. Marcel Bidot (Alcyon-Dunlop)
  43. Ernest Neuhard (Alcyon-Dunlop)
  44. Jean Preus
  45. Marcel Gobillot (Biaggi-Samyn)
  46. Jacques de Graevelynck
  47. Maurice Depauw (Thomann-Dunlop)
  48. Henri Hoevenaars (Automoto)
  49. Marius Gallotini (Alleluia-Wolber)
  50. Raymond Decorte (JB Louvet-Wolber)
  51. Lode Eelen (Griffon)
  52. Lucien Buysse
  53. Theofiel Beeckman
  54. Antoine Lox
  55. Ferdinand Gooris
  56. Maurice Geldof
  57. Camille Van de Casteele
  58. Pé Verhaegen
  59. Constant segers
  60. Grégoire Huysmans
  61. Maurice Van Hyfte
  62. Maurice De Waele
  63. Jules Buysse
  64. Denis Verschueren
  65. Emiel Verhaert
  66. Léon Brosteaux
  67. Dieudonné Smets
  68. Alfonso Piccin
  69. Jan Debusscher
  70. Jules Van Hevel
  71. Joseph Siquet
  72. Francis Pélissier
  73. André Devauchelle
  74. Raoul Degroote
  75. ArthurDeweit
  76. Charles Meunier
  77. Joseph Muller
  78. Gustave van Slembrouck
  79. Marc Borcher
  80. Eugène Archambaud
  81. Maurice Krauss
  82. Honoré Barthélémy
  83. Arsène Alancourt
  84. Jean Lasbordes
  85. Nicolas Engel
  86. Marcel Renaud
  87. Alexis Blanc-Garin
  88. Eugène Bertin
  89. Jules Huyvaert
  90. Jules Deschepper
  91. Jules Matton
  92. August Robineau
  93. Robert Gerbaud
  94. Paul Deux
  95. Luigi Vertemati
  96. Etienne Gaudet
  97. André Flottat
  98. Pierre Beffarat

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