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1921 Paris - Roubaix

22nd edition: Sunday, March 27, 1921

Complete results

Paris-Roubaix podium history | 1920 edition | 1922 edition

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The race:

The 1921 Paris-Roubaix was 263 km long and was ridden at an average speed of 29.09 km/hr

There were 130 starters and 48 classified finishers

The racers enjoyed beautiful weather with a tailwind.

Henri Pélissier attacked, as he had planned with his brother Francis, on the hill at Doullens.

Francis was on his wheel, but they were not alone.

The Péllisiers were enjoying superb form and battered the others.

Henri escaped and Francis stayed with the others. Though he punctured, Francis was able to make it a Pélissier 1-2, riding to the finish on his flat tire.

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Francis and Henri Pélissier

Francis and Henri Pélissier enjoy their victory

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Complete Results:

  1. Henri Pélissier (JB Louvet) 9hr 2min 30sec.
  2. Paris–Roubaix: The Inside Story
  3. Francis Pélissier (JB Louvet) @ 40sec
  4. Léon Scieur (La Sportive) @ 42sec
  5. René Vermandel @ 45sec
  6. Romain Bellenger (Peugeot-Wolber) @ 1min 55sec
  7. Paul Deman @ 2min 18sec
  8. Hector Tiberghien (La Sportive) @ 3min 28sec
  9. Félix Goethals (La Sportive) @ 4min 45sec
  10. Emile Masson, Sr (Alcyon) @ 7min 55sec
  11. Alfred Steux @ 8min 39sec
  12. Honoré Barthélémy (La Sportive) s.t.
  13. Charles Juseret s.t.
  14. Robert Gerbaud s.t.
  15. Eugène Christophe s.t.
  16. Philippe Thys @ 12min 57sec
  17. Jules Masselis @ 15min 35sec
  18. Lucien Buysse (Bianchi-Dunlop) @ 16min
  19. Louis Budts @ 16min 40sec
  20. Robert Jacquinot (La Sportive) @ 16min 55sec
  21. Julien Samyn @ 22min 0sec
  22. Henri Dejaegher @ 23min 17sec
  23. Camille Botte @ 24min 20sec
  24. Eugène Dhers (La Sportive) @ 24min 50sec
  25. Léon Devos @ 25min 40sec
  26. René Vandenberghe @ 25min 41sec
  27. Albert Dejonghe @ 25min 52sec
  28. Gaston Degy @ 27min 0sec
  29. Julien Tuytten @ 30min 10sec
  30. Louis Heusghem @ 30min 17sec
  31. Adolphe Coppez @ 30min 40sec
  32. Jules Van Hevel (Bianchi-Dunlop)
  33. Urbain Anseeuw
  34. René Chassot
  35. Cyriel Buysse
  36. Odile Defraye
  37. Angelo Gremo (Bianchi-Dunlop)
  38. Gaetano Belloni (Bianchi-Dunlop)
  39. Joseph Van Daele
  40. Joseph Muller (Delage)
  41. Michelet
  42. Arthur Claerhout
  43. José Pelletier
  44. Oscar Voet
  45. Camille Leroy (Delage)
  46. Fernand Moulet (Delage)
  47. Henri Lobeau
  48. Camille Van de Casteele
  49. Joseph Normand

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