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A Visit to the Mondonico Frame shop

Antonio Mondonico builds a frame, page 2

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Mondonico brazes the bottom bracket joint.

And here he brazes the head tube and down tube.

Checking the angle of a brazed joint.


Here's a nearly finished frame coming out of the jig.




In the old shop, Antonio makes sure everything is right.


There wasn't a lot of room in the shop, but the Mondonicos did find room for the alignment table, barely.

Before he set up his framebuilding shop in the back of his house, Antonio's shop was in an industrial building on the outskirts of Concorezzo. Here he's with Claudio Chiappucci in the older shop. I can't write about that frame without decals they are holding or what Chiappucci, who rode for Carrera, plans to do with it. But you get the idea...

The third generation. Here Antonio works with his son Mauro. After the Mondonico shop closed Mauro went on to become the sales manager for Columbus tubing. They got someone who knew a thing or two about bike frames.

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