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1944 Paris - Roubaix

42nd edition: Sunday, April 9, 1944

Complete results

Paris-Roubaix podium history | 1945 edition | 1943 edition

Olympics 50 Craziest Stories

Les Woodland's book The Olympics' 50 Craziest Stories: A Five Ring Circus is available as an audiobook here. For the print and Kindle eBook versions, just click on the Amazon link on the right.

The race:

The 1944 Paris-Roubaix was 246 km long and raced at an average speed of 39.897 km/hr.

There were 172 starters and 89 classified finishers.

The racers enjoyed mild and sunny weather.

With 20 kilometers to go, six men were off the front. They were delayed for 20 seconds by a closed train crossing, allowing another five riders to join them.

1937 Paris-Roubaix winner Jules Rossi had teammate Lucien Vlaemynck give him a leadout, but Maurice De Sempelaere went flashing by the confident Italian.

Germany still occupied France in April of 1944 and journalists returning home from the finish were bombed. 1947 Tour de France winner Jean Robic crashed badly, suffering a fractured skull and from then on wore his famous leather helmet.

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Maurice De Simpelaere does a victory lap on the Roubaix velodrome.

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Complete Results:

  1. Maurice De Simpelaere (Alcyon-Dunlop) 6hr 9min 57sec.
  2. Paris–Roubaix: The Inside Story
  3. Giulio "Jules" Rossi s.t.
  4. Louis Thiétard (Métropole-Dunlop) s.t.
  5. Raymond Goussot (Alcyon-Dunlop) s.t.
  6. Emiel Faignaert (Lucien Michard-Hutchinson) s.t.
  7. Georges Claes (A. Trialoux-Wolber) s.t.
  8. Alvaro Giorgetti (Ray-Dunlop) s.t.
  9. Amédée Rolland (Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  10. Manuel Hueguet s.t.
  11. Lucien Vlaemynck (Alcyon-Dunlop) s.t.
  12. Robert Dorgebray @ 1min 12sec
  13. Emile Idée (Alcyon-Dunlop) @ 1min 54sec
  14. Jules Siciliano (France Sport-Dunlop) s.t.
  15. Roger Piel (Europe-Dunlop) s.t.
  16. Fermo Camellini (Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  17. Julien Haemelryckx s.t.
  18. Albert Fonteyne (Métropole-Dunlop) s.t.
  19. Maurice De Muer (Peugeot) s.t.
  20. Eugène Galliussi s.t.
  21. Robert Bonnaventure (Alcyon-Dunlop) @ 2min 8sec
  22. Célestine Riga @ 2min 59sec
  23. Guy Lapébie (Europe-Dunlop) @ 3mi 38sec
  24. Robert Panier (Rochet-Dunlop) s.t.
  25. Robert Auclerc (Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  26. Lucien Le Guevel (Dilecta-Wolber) s.t.
  27. Marcel Laurent (Helyett-Hutchinson) s.t.
  28. Marcel Tiger (Dilecta-Wolber) @ 4min 2sec
  29. Joseph Goutorbe (A. Trialoux-Wolber) s.t.
  30. Jean Molliex (Europe-Dunlop) s.t.
  31. Joseph Taca @ 4min 28sec
  32. Lucien Lauk (Métropole-Dunlop) @ 4min 38sec
  33. Henri Bidault (Garin) s.t.
  34. Emmanuel Thoma @ 4min 57sec
  35. André Maelbrancke (Mercier-Hutchinson) @ 6min 23sec
  36. Georges Guillier (Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  37. Louis Gauthier (Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  38. Louis Schmitt (Alcyon-Dunlop) @ 6min 44sec
  39. André Desmoulins (Peugeot) @ 7min 10sec
  40. Camille Danguillaume (Peugeot) @ 7min 10sec
  41. Ange Le Strat(Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  42. Louis Caput (Dilecta-Wolber) s.t.
  43. André Declerck (Alcyon-Dunlop) s.t.
  44. Edward Van Dijck (A. Trialoux-Wolber) s.t.
  45. August Mallet s.t.
  46. Cyriel Van Overberghe (Mercier-Hutchinson) s.t.
  47. Roger Pontet (Génial Lucifer-Hutchinson) s.t.
  48. Albert Van Schendel (France Sport-Dunlop) s.t.
  49. Georges Munier (Europe-Dunlop) s.t.
  50. Frans Verboven (individual) @ 8min 25sec
  51. Alexis Abella (Europe-Dunlop) @ 8min 46sec
  52. Edouard Fachleitner (Peugeot) s.t.
  53. Francis Fricker s.t.
  54. René Vietto (Helyett-Hutchinson) s.t.
  55. Roger Paris @ 9min 42sec
  56. André Brule @ 9min 53sec
  57. Raymond Louviot @ 12min 12sec
  58. Alexandre Pawlisiak s.t.
  59. Raoul Remy @ 13min 5sec
  60. Yvon Marie s.t.
  61. Dominique Pedrali @ 15min 23sec
  62. Emile Rol s.t.
  63. Alfred Macorig @ 16min 40sec
  64. Raymond Guegan s.t.
  65. Louis Debruyckere @ 19min 28sec
  66. Albert Mignat s.t.
  67. Paul Maye s.t.
  68. Albert Dolhats s.t.
  69. Albertin Disseaux s.t.
  70. Fernand Mithouard s.t.
  71. Pierre Delepine @ 20min 1sec
  72. Gaston Grimbert s.t.
  73. Charles Deroo @ 24min 35sec
  74. Robert Psestat s.t.
  75. Constantin Damiano @ 25min 14sec
  76. Joseph Martino s.t.
  77. Jean Sauzeat s.t.
  78. Kléber Piot s.t.
  79. Urbain Caffi s.t.
  80. Jean Plent s.t.
  81. Jean Texier s.t.
  82. Fernand Delvallee s.t.
  83. Pierre Jodet s.t.
  84. Sylvère Jezo s.t.
  85. Victor Delvoye @ 28min 13sec
  86. Raymond Croyat @ 31min 46sec
  87. Séverin Vergili s.t.
  88. Pierre Brambilla @ 34min 14sec
  89. Manuel Garcia @ 37min 8sec
  90. Georges Plumet s.t.

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