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1908 Tour de France

July 13 to August 9, 1909

Results, stages with running GC and photos

1907 Tour | 1909 Tour | Tour de France Database | 1908 Tour Quick Facts | 1908 Tour de France Final GC | Stage results with running GC | Photos from the 1908 Tour de France

Cycling's 50 Craziest Stories

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1908 Tour Quick Facts:

4,488 km raced at an average speed of 28.74 km/hr.

114 starters and 36 classified finishers. My apologies, but I have not yet found the team affiliations for most of the participants.

Lucien Petit-Breton was by far the best rider on the all-powerful Peugeot team.

Petit-Breton won five stages and in only one stage did he fail to finish in the top four.

Because riders had to perform their own repairs, Petit-Breton's excellent mechanical expertise served him well.

The 1908 Tour's General Classification was calculated using points.

1908 Tour de France Complete Final General Classification:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton (Peugeot-Wolber): 36 points
  2. François Faber (Peugeot-Wolber): 68
  3. Georges Passerieu (Peugeot-Wolber): 75
  4. Gustave Garrigou (Peugeot-Wolber): 91
  5. Luigi Ganna (Alcyon-Dunlop): 120
  6. Georges Paulmier (Peugeot-Wolber): 125
  7. Georges Fleury (Peugeot-Wolber): 134
  8. Henri Cornet (Peugeot-Wolber): 142
  9. Marcel Godivier (Alcyon-Dunlop): 153
  10. Giovanni Rossignoli (Bianchi): 160
  11. Paul Duboc (Alcyon-Dunlop): 163
  12. Clemente Canepari (Alcyon-Dunlop): 183
  13. François Beaugendre (Peugeot-Wolber): 195
  14. Paul Chauvet (Peugeot-Wolber): 209
  15. Eugène Forestier (Peugeot-Wolber): 231
  16. Achille Germain (Alcyon-Dunlop): 236
  17. André Pottier (Peugeot-Wolber): 237
  18. Ernest Paul(Alcyon-Dunlop): 243
  19. Aldo Bettini (Peugeot-Wolber): 243
  20. Giovanni Gerbi (Peugeot-Wolber): 246
  21. Aloïs Catteau (Alcyon-Dunlop): 272
  22. Marceau Narcy (Alcyon-Dunlop): 307
  23. Martin Soulié (Alcyon-Dunlop): 315
  24. Ferdinand Payan (Champeyrache): 317
  25. Noël Combelles (Alcyon-Dunlop): 335
  26. F. Gonzales (Peugeot-Wolber): 367
  27. Alexandre Bodinier (Alcyon-Dunlop): 374
  28. Édouard Wattelier (Nil-Supra): 388
  29. Georges Bronchard (Peerless): 397
  30. Robert Lecointe (Alcyon-Dunlop): 406
  31. Antony Wattelier (Nil-Supra): 438
  32. Éloi Guichard (Terrot): 445
  33. Léon Rabot (Alcyon-Dunlop): 453
  34. Jean Darche (Biguet): 469
  35. Louis Di Maria: 499
  36. Henri Anthoine (Labor): 512

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1908 Tour stage results with running GC:

TDF volume 1

Stage 1: Monday, July 13, Paris - Roubaix, 272 km

  1. Georges Passerieu: 8hr 27min
  2. Lucien Petit-Breton @ 5min
  3. Ernest Paul s.t.
  4. Luigi Ganna s.t.
  5. François Faber @ 9mn
  6. Eugène Forestier @ 9min 1sec
  7. Henri Lignon @ 10min
  8. Georges Lorgeou s.t.
  9. Jean Novo @ 13min

Stage 2: Wednesday, July 15, Roubaix - Metz, 398 km

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 13hr 12min
  2. Georges Passerieu s.t.
  3. Luigi Ganna @ 1min
  4. Georges Paulmier @ 18min
  5. Gustave Garrigou @ 19min
  6. Eberardo Pavsi @ 30min
  7. Carlo Galetti s.t.
  8. Georges Fleury s.t.
  9. Charles Cruchon @ 32min
  10. Clemente Canepari @ 32min 30sec

GC after Stage 2:

  1. Georges Passerieu: 3 points
  2. Lucien Petit-Breton: 3
  3. Luigi Ganna: 7

Stage 3: Friday, July 17, Metz - Belfort, 259 km

Major ascent: Ballon d'Alsace

  1. François Faber: 9hr 13min
  2. Lucien Petit-Breton s.t.
  3. Gustave Garrigou s.t.
  4. Henri Cornet @ 6min
  5. Georges Paulmier s.t.
  6. Cyrille Van Houwaert s.t.
  7. Paul Duboc s.t.
  8. Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq @ 12min
  9. Giovanni Rossignoli s.t.
  10. Clemente Canepari s.t.

GC after Stage 3:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 5 points
  2. Luigi Ganna: 20
  3. Gustave Garrigou: 24

Stage 4: Sunday, July 19, Belfort - Lyon, 309 km

Major ascent: Cerdon

  1. François Faber: 9hr 52min 3sec
  2. Gustave Garrigou s.t.
  3. Lucien Petit-Breton @ 1sec
  4. Henri Cornet @ 12sec
  5. Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq @ 12min 29sec
  6. Cyrille Van Houwaert @ 12min 32sec
  7. Luigi Ganna @ 12min 34sec
  8. Giovanni Rossignoli @ 12min 35sec
  9. Clemente Canepari @ 12min 36sec
  10. Georges Paulmier @ 17min 12sec

GC after Stage 4:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 8 points
  2. Gustave Garrigou: 26
  3. Luigi Ganna: 27

Stage 5: Tuesday, July 21, Lyon - Grenoble, 311 km

Major ascent: Col de Porte

  1. Georges Passerieu: 11hr 8min 0sec
  2. François Faber @ 19min
  3. Lucien Petit-Breton @ 20min
  4. Marcel Godiver @ 26min
  5. Luigi Ganna @ 27min
  6. Paul Duboc s.t.
  7. Georges Paulmier @ 38min
  8. Omer Beaugendre @ 40min
  9. Luigi Chiodi s.t.
  10. André Pottier @ 46min

GC after Stage 5:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 11 points
  2. Luigi Ganna: 32
  3. Gustave Garrigou: 45

Stage 6: Thursday, July 23, Grenoble - Nice, 345 km

Major ascents: Bayard, Laffrey

  1. Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq: 12hr 12min
  2. Georges Passerieu s.t.
  3. Maurice Brocco s.t.
  4. Lucien Petit-Breton s.t.
  5. Gustave Garrigou @ 15min
  6. Paul Chauvet s.t.
  7. Giovanni Gerbi @ 19min
  8. François Faber @ 26min
  9. Georges Paulmier @ 36min
  10. Georges Fleury s.t.

GC after Stage 6:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 15 points
  2. Luigi Ganna: 46
  3. Georges Passerieu: 47

Stage 7: Saturday, July 25, Nice - Nîmes, 354 km

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 12hr 5min
  2. Giovanni Gerbi s.t.
  3. Luigi Ganna @ 10min
  4. Marcel Godivier s.t.
  5. Clemente Canepari @ 16min
  6. Gustave Garrigou @ 38min
  7. Henri Cornet s.t.
  8. Maurice Brocco s.t.
  9. Aldo Bettini s.t.
  10. Eugène Forestier @ 39min

GC after Stage 7:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 16 points
  2. Luigi Ganna: 49
  3. Gustave Garrigou: 56

Stage 8: Monday, July 27, Nîmes - Toulouse, 303 km

  1. François Faber: 11hr 8min
  2. Lucien Petit-Breton s.t.
  3. Georges Passerieu s.t.
  4. Paul Duboc s.t.
  5. Aldo Bettini s.t.
  6. Marcel Godivier @ 1sec
  7. Henri Cornet s.t.
  8. Georges Fleury s.t.
  9. Gustave Garrigou @ 8min
  10. Omer Beaugendre s.t.

GC after Stage 8:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 17 points
  2. Georeges Passerieu: 48
  3. François Faber: 52

Stage 9: Wednesday, July 29, Toulouse - Bayonne, 299 km

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 10hr 7min
  2. Giovanni Rossignoli s.t.
  3. Gustave Garrigou s.t.
  4. Henri Cornet s.t.
  5. François Faber @ 4min
  6. Georges Passerieu @ 21min
  7. Georges Fleury s.t.
  8. Georges Paulmier @ 1hr 8min
  9. Luigi Ganna s.t.
  10. Paul Chauvet @ 1hr 11min

GC after Stage 9:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 18 points
  2. François Faber: 57
  3. Gustave Garrigou: 58

Stage 10: Friday, July 31, Bayonne - Bordeaux, 299 km

  1. Georges Paulmier: 8hr 25min
  2. Georges Passerieu s.t.
  3. François Faber s.t.
  4. Gustave Garrigou s.t.
  5. Marcel Godivier s.t.
  6. Georges Fleury @ 1sec
  7. Omer Beaugendre s.t.
  8. Achille Germain s.t.
  9. Paul Duboc s.t.
  10. Lucien Petit-Breton s.t.

GC after Stage 10:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 28 points
  2. François Faber: 60
  3. Georges Passerieu: 61

Stage 11: Sunday, August 2, Bordeaux - Nantes, 391 km

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 14hr 5min
  2. Georges Passerieu @ 12min
  3. François Faber s.t.
  4. Georges Paulmier s.t.
  5. Giovanni Gerbi s.t.
  6. Clemente Canepari @ 39min
  7. Gustave Garrigou @ 47min
  8. Henri Cornet s.t.
  9. Goerges Fleury s.t.
  10. Omer Beaugendre s.t.

GC after Stage 11:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 29 points
  2. François Faber: 63
  3. Georges Passerieu: 63

Stage 12: Tuesday, August 4, Nantes - Brest, 321 km

  1. François Faber: 11hr 8min
  2. Gustave Garrigou s.t.
  3. Lucien Petit-Breton s.t.
  4. Giovanni Rossignoli s.t.
  5. Georges Fleury @ 1sec
  6. Georges Passerieu @ 36min
  7. Luigi Ganna s.t.
  8. Henri Cornet @ 45min
  9. Ernest Paul s.t.
  10. Paul Chauvet @ 49min

GC after Stage 12:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 32 points
  2. François Faber: 64
  3. Georges Passerieu: 69

Stage 13: Thursday, August 6, Brest - Caen, 415 km

  1. Georges Passerieu: 16hr 23min
  2. François Faber s.t.
  3. Lucien Petit-Breton
  4. Georges Fleury @ 8min
  5. Giovanni Rossignoli @ 15min
  6. Paul Duboc s.t.
  7. Luigi Ganna @ 1hr 4min
  8. Clemente Canepari s.t.
  9. Marcel Godivier s.t.
  10. Gustave Garrigou @ 1hr 53min

GC after Stage 13:

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 35 points
  2. François Faber: 66
  3. Georges Passerieu: 70

Stage 14 (final stage): Sunday, August 9, Caen - Paris, 251 km

  1. Lucien Petit-Breton: 8hr 41min 18sec
  2. François Faber s.t.
  3. Henri Cornet @ 48sec
  4. Omer Beaugendre s.t.
  5. Georges Passerieu @ 11min 26sec
  6. Georges Paulmier @ 13min 30sec
  7. Paul Duboc s.t.
  8. Eugène Forestier s.t.
  9. Georges Fleury @ 19min 1sec
  10. Gustave Garrigou @ 19min 42sec

1908 Tour de France Complete Final General Classification

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Photos from the1908 Tour de France

The 1908 Tour was the race's 6th edition. The Tour's enormous popularity can be seen in the crowds watching Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq roll through the town of Bellegarde. Dortignacq won stage 6.

Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq, Georges Passerieu, Lucien Petit-Breton, Giovanni Gerbi & Maurice Brocco on the Saint Julien Bridge over the Verdon River in the Alps. This is during stage 6 from Grenoble to Nice. The current bridge on this site is not nearly as interesting.

Winner of both the 1907 and 1908 Tours, Petit-Breton was a complete rider.

Gustave Garrigou repairs his own bike. Note that he is getting no help. Such assistance was forbidden. Note also the early caliper brakes with their huge mud clearance and that the rear wheel has 36 spokes.

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