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Felice Gimondi Photo Gallery

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Felice Gimondi (September 29, 1942 - August 16, 2019) was the finest Italian cyclist of the modern era, having won all three Grand Tours, three classics and the World Championships. He won his only Tour de France in 1965 with stunning ease. He was a complete rider, able to, sprint, climb and time trial and on any given day he could win any race.

His career ran into Eddy Merckx, who usually got the better of the Italian. When Gimondi won the 1973 World Championships in a spectacular four-up sprint finish, Merckx bellowed for decades that his teammate Freddy Maertens had betrayed him. It wasn't true and Gimondi was enjoying spectacular form that day. A look at his major wins posted below shows he went into decline in the early 1970s and came roaring back in 1973.

Felice Gimondi died on Friday, August 16, 2019 at the age of 76. The 1973 world champion suffered a heart attack while swimming in the sea at Giardini Naxos, a village in Sicily. interview with Felice Gimondi

Professional career: 1965 - 1979

Nicknames: The Aristocrat, The Buzzard of Bergamo

Major Career victories:

143 amateur and professional wins, 56 seconds, 38 third places

1965: Tour de France with 3 stage wins
1966: Paris Roubaix, Giro di Lombardia, Paris-Brussels, Coppa Agostini, Coppa Placci
1967: Giro d'Italia, Grand Prix de Nations, Giro del Lazio
1968: Vuelta a España, Grand Prix de Nations, Giro di Romagna (which was also the Italian road race championship), Criterium des As
1969: Giro d'Italia, Tour de Romandie, Giro dell'Appennino
1970: Trofeo Matteotti
1971: Tour de Romandie, Giro del Piemonte
1972 Gran Premio di Lugano, Volta a Catalunya, Geio dell'Appennino (which was also the Italian road race championship)
1973: World Road Championship, Giro del Piemonte, Giro di Lombardia, Trofeo Baracchi, Coppa Bernocchi, Giro di Puglia
1974: Milano-San Remo, Coppa Agostini
1976: Giro d'Italia, Paris-Brussels

Professional teams:
1965 - 1972: Salvarani
1973 - 1979: Bianchi


1965: Gimondi in the Giro d'Italia

Gimondi in the 1965 Giro d'Italia

!965 Tour de France stage 9

1965 Tour de France, stage 9, on the Tourmalet. From left: Gianni Motta, Raymond Poulidor and Felice Gimondi

1965 Tour de France: Gimondi on the Izoard

1965 Tour de France: Gimondo ascends the Izoard

Gimondi's 1965 Tur de France-winning bike

Gimondi's 1965 Tour de France winning bike

Savarani poster with Adorni and Gimondi

Salvarani had a wonderful 1965 with Vittorio Adorni winning the Giro and Gimondi taking the Tour.

Felice Gimondi in 1966

Gimondi in 1966

1967 Giro: Gimondi and Bitossi finish a stage

1967 Giro d'Italia: Gimondi and Franco Bitossi finish a stage.

Gimondi and Francoi Bitossi at the 1967 Giro

Gimondi with Franco Bitossi in stage 14 of the 1967 Giro d'Italia.

Gimondi wins the 1976 Giuro d'Italia

Gimondi wins the 1967 Giro d'Italia

Gimondi wins the 1969 Giro d'Italia

Gimondi wins the 1969 Giro d'Italia

Felice Gimondi and Eddy Merckx in the 1970 Giro

Gimondi leads Merckx in stage 18 of the 1970 Giro d'Italia

Bitossi, Gimondi and Zilioli

1971 Giro d'Italia, left to right: Franco Bitossi, Felice Gimondi and Italo Zilioli

Ginodni with Basso at 1973 Giro start

Princess Paola of Belgium with Marino Basso (rainbow jersey) and Felice Gimondi (Italian champion's tricolor) at the start of the 1973 Giro d'Italia in Verviers, Belgium

1973: Gimondi races in the rainbow jersey

1973: Gimondi races in the Rainbow Jersey.

Felice Gimondi corners

Probably 1973

Merckx and Ginodi at the 1973 Circuiti di Santamonica

Eddy Merckx and Gimondi at the start of the 1973 Circuito di Santamonica

Gimondi wins stage 10 of the 1975 Tour de France

1975 Tour de France: Gimondi wins stage 10.

Gimondi in the 1976 Giro

Looking at the rear derailleur, which is Super Record, this should be Gimondi in the 1976 Giro wearing the pink jersey.

1976 Giro, Felice Gimondi

1976 Giro d'Italia, stage 19: Gimondi ascents Torri del Vajolet

Felice Gimondi

1976 Giro d'Italia, Gimondi in pink.

Felice Gimondi and Marco Pantani at the 1998 Tour de France

Gimondi, the last Italian winner of the Tour de France, raises Marco Pantani's arm at the end of the 1998 Tour.

Feice Gimondi with stefano Garzelli

2000 Giro d'Italia. Gimondi holds up the arm of the overall winner, Stefano Garzelli.

Gimondi in his office

2004: Gimondi in his office in Bergamo. Valeria Paoletti photo

Gimondi in his office

2004: Another shot of Gimondi in the office of his insurance agency. Valeria Paoletti photo

Signe Tour de France jersey

Gimondi's yellow jersey signed by nearly all living Tour winners. Valeria Paoletti photo

Gimondi's yellow and Gianni Motta's pink jersey

Gimondi's 1965 Tour de France yellow jersey and Gianni Motta's 1966 Giro d'Italia pink jersey, both hanging in the Madonna del Ghisallo chapel near Milano.

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