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Bicycle Racing News and Opinion,
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

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I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. - Lily Tomlin

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Katusha avoids UCI suspension despite two drug positives.

Here's the rule: Article 7.12.1 of the International Cycling Union (UCI) Cycling Regulations states that any team who return two adverse analytical findings within 12 months "shall be suspended from participation in any international event for a period determined by the president of the UCI Disciplinary Commission or a member of the Disciplinary Commission".

So, Katusha has the two positives. Luca Paolini was tossed from the 2015 Tour de France after a cocaine positive. And now Eduard Vorganov was popped for Meldonium on January 14.

Eduard Vorganov

Eduard Vorganov leads a break in the 2012 Tour Down Under

The UCI Disciplinary Commission was given the Katusha case and decided that the team's offences don't rise to the level of requiring a suspension. Because Paolini's cocaine use was recreational and not to improve his racing performance, "The conditions for a suspension of Team Katusha in application of art. 7.12.1 the UCI Anti-Doping Rules have not been met."

Further, "With regard to the [Paolini case, it has been] established that the rider's taking of cocaine was not related to an intention to influence sporting performance but was rather taken on a 'recreational' basis.

"In this context, applying a suspension under article 7.12.1 when one of the two cases of Adverse Analytical Finding relates to [the use of] a social drug cannot be reconciled with the aim of the article.

"Even if, strictly speaking, such a case falls within the application of the anti-doping rules for the rider concerned, the imposition of negative consequences for the whole team would be inappropriate and disproportionate."

Here is the Team Katusha statement on the Vorganov case:

Team KATUSHA notes that the UCI has started a proceeding against Eduard Vorganov for a violation of the UCI anti-doping rules

We understand that the adverse analytical finding concerns the substance Meldonium (also known as Mildronate) which was placed on the prohibited list only on 1 Jan 2016. Team KATUSHA confirms that this substance has never been used by the Team in any form and was not provided to the rider by the team.

In accordance with Team KATUSHA's zero tolerance policy, Eduard Vorganov has been suspended from all team activities, effective immediately. In the event that Eduard Vorganov took this product on his own initiative, Team KATUSHA will conduct an investigation as such conduct is in breach of the Team’s strict medical and anti-doping internal rules.*

With that said, Eduard Vorganov awaits the results of his B sample, and Team KATUSHA respects and will adhere to the process of the anti-doping authorities and will not comment further at this time.

Team KATUSHA would like to emphasize that it takes all possible measures in order to avoid anti-doping rule violations within its team and is fully committed to fight doping. Team KATUSHA is obviously extremely disappointed that a situation like this could occur despite these measures.

*No medicine, medical substance and/or natural, nutritional or homeopathic (or equivalent) supplement may be purchased, kept, advised or taken by any Team Member, and no treatment can be carried out other than directed by the Team Doctors, unless otherwise approved by the Head Doctor. (art. 10.B.1, 2016 Team Manual)

Any medicine purchased should be compulsory attested by a regular medical prescription written on the headed paper of the doctor who has prescribed the relevant medication. (art. 10.B.2, 2016 Team Manual)

Euro bike makers appeal Giant's dumping conviction

This was in Bike-Eu:

BRUSSELS, Belgium – The European Bicycle Manufacturers’ Association (EBMA) had filed an appeal on the cancellation of Giant China’s dumping conviction. Tomorrow is the deadline for the appeal period. During the appeal period the 48.5% anti-dumping duty imposed on bikes made by Chinese producers including Giant China and imported into the EU will stay in place.

On 26 November, 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that the anti-dumping conviction of Giant China is cancelled. This verdict was the outcome of an appeal filed by Giant China in August 2013. It took to 26 November, 2015 for the appearance of the 12 page ‘Judgement of the General Court in Case T 425/13 between Giant (China) Co. Ltd, in Kunshan (China) and the Council of the European Union supported by the European Commission and by the European Bicycle Manufacturers Association (EBMA).’

Click here for the entire story

"Colnago" leader's jerseys for the 2016 Giro Rosa presented

The Giro Rosa organizers sent me this news:

The preparations for the 2016 Edition of the Giro d'Italia Internazionale Femminile go full sail ahead: The White and Pink Jersey, which will have the very famous Italian bike brand as the main sponsor of the next edition, were presented in the Colnago Factory in Cambiago (Milano) yesterday, Monday 8th February.

Ernesto Colnago welcomed the participants at the event showing the jerseys produced by GSG with the Giro Rosa Director Giuseppe Rivolta and the athletes Barbara Guarischi (Kamnik - Ljubljana stage winner in 2015), Elisa Longo Borghini (Best Italian in 2014 and 2015) and Ilaria Sanguineti (Vice European Champion 2015).

Giro Rosa presentation

Giro Rosa jersey presentation. Ernesto Colnago is on the far left.

Ernesto Colnago has declared: "I have made a nice Birthday gift to myself for tomorrow (today, editor's note). I'm very happy about the partnership with the Giro Rosa, I've been one of the first persons to believe in Women Cycling in Italy so I suddenly said "yes" when Mr. Rivolta purposed me to become a sponsor of such an important and prestigious event, which will be part of the first UCI Women's World Tour. We're only at the beginning!"

Mr. Rivolta and his staff are now working to fix the 27th Giro Rosa official presentation. Date and place will be communicated briefly.

We take advantage of sending our best birthday wishes to our dear friend Ernesto Colnago, who is 84 today.


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