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Sticky Buns Across America
Back-roads biking from sea to shining sea

By Léo Woodland

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Sticky Buns Across AmericaISBN: 978-0-9859636-0-6
Suggested Retail price: $16.95 US
6 x 9 trade paperback, 211 pages
Publisher: McGann Publishing

Publication date: August 6, 2012

About the book
About the author
YouTube video

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About the Book

Sticky Buns Across America

Sticky Buns Across America is the story of one of the four continents and one of the countries Woodland has crossed by bike, this time with patient wife Steph: a tale of riding across small-town America (and occasional bits of Canada, although to Americans that doesn't count).

It's not a tale of heroic battling with storms, riots, poison ivy, Americans and other problems. Instead, sit back and enjoy an eccentric account of encounters made and experiences lived. Plus, it has to be admitted, a lot of sticky buns eaten.

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About the Author

Léo Woodland is a tall and balding man who has long annoyed many by not sitting still. Or, indeed, pleased even more by not staying in one place for too long.

So far the tally by bike is 28 countries on four continents.

Mr. Woodland has been writing about cycling since 1965, when he wrote his first reports for the British publication Cycling. Since then he has been a prolific contributor to newspapers, magazines and radio stations in the U.K, the U.S. and Belgium. Many of his fans know him better as Les Woodland. Sticky Buns Across America is Mr. Woodland's 26th book.

Léo and Steph Woodland

Léo and Steph Woodland during their great sticky bun hunt.

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Melanoma: It Started With a Freckle Peaks Coaching: work with a coach!

Sticky Buns Across America YouTube video narrated by Léo Woodland (with Scott Joplin's Fig Leaf Rag played by Kevin MacLeod)

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